Transform Your Community

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We are excited to dive into transforming our community this school year! Our hope is this page will take you through all of our suggested resources inside the Print & Play Club to help you reach your teaching goals around transforming your teaching community.

We add resources for you all the time, so be sure to check back here to continually explore how you can transform your community with the Print and Play Club.

Tips for Success!

Step 1: Choose one thing you want to transform about your community. I know you may have more than one, but I’ve found that focusing on one or two things at a time helps me actually implement change.
Step 2: Navigate this page for resources, tools, classroom book lists, and articles you may find helpful for your area(s) of focus.
Step 3: Join our exclusive PPC members-only Facebook group to collaborate with other teachers about all things community.
Step 4: Grab your monthly calendar so you don’t miss our LIVE trainings and chats about community.
Step 5: Execute your plan!
P.S. If you need help finding anything, simply visit our Help Section,
or email us @

Broaden Your Teacher Community

Forming a community of teachers for moral support and genius ideas is one of the best things a teacher can do for themselves. And it just so happens, we have the best community of teachers around

Join our exclusive Facebook group and follow me on Instagram to collaborate with our community of like-minded teachers. Plus, get direct access to me and member-only events!

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Transform Your Home-School Community

The home-school connection is a crucial piece of a Pre-K and Kindergarten classroom. Those who care for your students at home are a huge part of your community, and one that deserves our attention. 

So check out these resources to help you make sure the home-school connection with your students’ grownups is strong and thriving.

**Click on any image below to be taken to your resource!**

Transform Your Classroom Community

Making sure your students feel connected to you and to one another is an important part of your classroom culture. But first they have to be able to understand and identify their own thoughts and feelings. 

So these resources are a great tool to help grow that understanding and connection!

**Click on any image below to be taken to your resource!**

Transform Your Use of Volunteers

Volunteers can be a life saver in any classroom, and they are invaluable in a Pre-K and Kindergarten setting. Check out these articles to help you make the most out of the volunteers in your classroom.

**Click on any image below to be taken to your resource!**

Check Out Our Video Library

Join me as we chat about all things community transformation. From establishing a strong home-school connection, to encouraging collaboration and connection between your students, this playlist of videos will let you in on all my community transformation tips and tricks. 

**Click on any image below to be taken to your video!**

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